I believe Mathematics evolved from counting. Counting came from jealousy.
Her lovers and admirers may not agree, but it is what it is, not a thing to worry!
Algebra, calculus etc.. Is it not our own narration and everything boils down to simple addition.
I looked at people who were good at math in awe, lost a word or two. I know I was foolish and nasty. Deep down I so much loved her too.
No regrets that was me and no more me.
No regrets for I have found peace with her, the beauty she is and that she’ll ever be.
She’s everywhere, I am just not enough which I accept. Is this love unrequited? No!!
She loved me too, taught me counting. Counting the right trinkets.
I no more count years of my son and my parents as they grow older and no more adding things which are not sober .
She taught me to be finite, I speak what I Know, I do what I can.
She taught me to be infinite, I let others speak and do, what I know not and what I cannot.
Don’t hold me to this, for you know am foolish as ever.
If anything I could be, I would chose to be a fool forever.
My teams call me “Cool Project Manager”
# #people#love#mathematics#beauty#algebra#contentconnects#suhamazing
Hope you liked my Math class. Happy Reading! See you again!!..